The Matthew Vautour


Another Day, Another Slay.




Complete the form

If you're ready to unlock your full potential, complete my contact form and let's get working!


Wait to be contacted

You will receive a message within 24-48 hours from me. Talk soon babe!


You are all set

We will dive deeper into you, your goals, and how we can achieve them!

What do

you get?

Workout plans made for you

Designed to fit in with your busy lifestyle and help you meet your goals.

Your own meal plan

Balanced meals to keep you full and energized.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins to ensure you slay every single day

Continuous communication

I can't wait to see all that you are capable of

Workout plans made for you

Designed to fit in with your busy lifestyle and help you meet your goals.

Your own meal plan

Balanced meals to keep you full and energized.

We track your progress together

Weekly check-ins to ensure you slay every single day

Continuous communication

I can't wait to see all that you are capable of

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.

Why choose

online coaching?

Coach is doing high knees plank.

Approaching fitness instruction with a no-BS mentality, the Matthew Vautour Method teaches discipline and commitment while creating a space that encourages self-expression & balance. With dynamic body sculpting techniques that challenge perceptions of the unattainable hourglass figure, M.V.M workouts achieve this look naturally. By working together online, we are empowered to achieve your goals anywhere, anytime. #BUILTnotBOUGHT

Time to take control & create the blue-print to your success. Whether you are just starting out, or have the booty of a goddess, I'll provide you with everything you need to see results on your fitness journey. The Matthew Vautour Method is a 360 degree approach to health; we look at your nutrition patterns, physical fitness, habits and stress management to help you unlock your full potential. Join the gang of babes who are putting themselves first. Let's crush it together!

Start Now